Oh boy is this shit terrible.
- Like every other fucking ching chong rpg, they use their pretty graphics to catch your eye and distract you from the STEAMIN PILE OF SHIT THAT IS THIS GAME.
-The puzzles in the dungeons consist of shitty platforming. "You see that ledge? Try to make it up there with a jump that gets little air and has no direction."
- The voice acting is shit. I had to turn this shit down when I played because every time Lenneth would gasp it would sound like she was getting fucked by a huge whale cock.
The guys from the old Pokemon show do the voices btw. they do a real piss job
- The story is cliche. You'd think it'd be cool with Gods and all that shit, it isn't. When I saw that MC was female I should've realized it was another love story.
- Battle System is pure balls. It's all hype. "Woo It's turn based but, not at the same time". It's a fucking shit gimmick is what it is.
Fucking shit, I'd rather play Superman 64.
- Once you get party members there's ZERO development with them. They die (Yes, they die first), they join, and that's it.
One chapter of this pissed me off and I quit, I have no plans on finishing it either. Most overrated piece of shit I have ever wasted my time on. And don't post your opinions defending this waste of resources, because this game is packaged rat shit, dipped in bloody cum, unpackaged vomitted in, repackaged, fucked by 10 niggers and a SARS infested chink, has it's own rap video, likes linkin park, and thinks Dexter is deep and you should feel bad for defending it.