The FMVs in this game are still breathtaking i'd say, look better then a lot of stuff I saw on PS2. In game graphics haven' aged nearly as badly as other 3d games the resident evils look worse mainly because of the static background I forgot the real term.
The beginning wasn't as disturbing as it was then i guess its due to knowing what was gonna happen combined with bad graphics I never played beyond the school portion so i guess when i get to that section I can be more fair on the game.
Overall though its still pretty atmospheric again if you played SH2 though it has lost some impact although I actually find the monsters in this creepier. I updated version of this game would probably be disturbing people for another 10 years. I also think Harry>>>>>>>>>James so far as i though James was a twat in that game.
- Spoiler:
Normally you'd twig something up when your getting invites from your dead wife, Harry on the other hand has to brave whatever is out there as his daughter is less adept at handling the dangers then he is.