1. No illegal activities/direct downloads/porn/hentai on this forum
2. No flaming outside of the warzone
3. No trolling
4. People who act like a douche will be treated like one
5. Don't gang up on members, unless they have broken rule 4
6. If i get multiple complaints about people talking down to members, you will be warned and possibly have a temporary ban
7. Try to mark topics for spoilers (if you mark the topic no need for spoiler tags unless its unrelated to the topic) and use the spoiler function under other, i'm not so bothered unless you put spoilers in topic titles or if you talk about future plot lines that are not covered in the boards description (i.e. don't discuss current manga in anime section)
8. Don't spam topics and don't spam in other peoples topics unless the topic is for that purpose
9. No RPing except in specified topics and even then no spamming of RP topics. It is best to notify me if you want to set up a large scale RPG
10. No making topics for finding out personal information about a user, in any shape or form, if you care that much PM the user
11. Don't impersonate users, do not change your username to someone elses in an attempt to impersonate them or anything, you will most likely be banned for at least a couple of days
12. Don't alter people's words when quoting them (if your both doing it to each other its fine)
13. Don't advertise sites here which are effectively competing with the site, if your a regular poster i won't mind, but i may take action if your not even here much
14. Criticising something without stating a reason will be considered trolling, if you don't like it say why or don't say it at all.
15. Spamming images to the extreme to stretch pages or to make people scroll a lot is not allowed, except for Spectral Realm topics that are full of nonsense already/have gone off-topic.
If you want to discuss rules do so in the rules discussion section
By joining the forum you have accepted these rules and hence any action or inaction that occurs due to the rules, I hold no responsibility for.
- Spoiler:
After the exceedingly annoying debate that just occured
I will say that I am not going to take legal responsibilty for any adult material being displayed on this site, therefore if any is put up on this site it will now be a bannable offence, this also goes for illegal downloads roms and wares
Anything you decide to do outside of this board is not of my concern i.e. through e-mails etc.
I tried to compromise with people and i was met with criticisms when i tried to let the situation be resolved outside of what i could monitor, but with everyones insistent on continuing the debate, I now have to place this rule on the board
Any issues you have with this you have to bring up with me and only me
I will not have anyone talk to anyone who is a moderator here as though it is there fault