It makes me giggle that health and fitness is in the entertainment section. You know what entertains me? Fitness whole pizza in my mouth.
Anyways, I've had some great success with the MaxT3 program. Their theory is that any successful workout is going to focus on Time, Type, and Tempo. And the best part is you can apply these principles NOW without purchasing the DVD. And I'll explain these backwards because that's what'll make the most sense.
Tempo: EXPLOSIVE. Assuming your technique is good (like a FULL pushup or a FULL crunch - don't be lazy aka a bitch) all your movements need to be QUICK and POWERFUL. Get your mind in the right place. Don't think you're pushing against the world, you're just lifting yourself. Positive mindset will help you maintain that rapid motion and strength.
Type: Focus on large muscle groups. Did you know your body has between 640 and 850 muscle groups? And many of them are supporting. The small ones support the big ones. Once you start getting results that you want and can devote more time to working out - then focus on the other stuff. Some great workouts for these groups are push-ups, crunches, jumping jacks, lunges, pullups, ect. Basically any BASIC workout you can think of. The less complicated the better.
Time: 30 seconds (or one min) of a workout. And when I mean workout I mean GET SOME!! You go as hard as you can as fast as you can for 30 seconds. Then you rest for 30 seconds (or one min). And then you lather, rinse, repeat 3 more times on the same muscle group. I'll tell you right now - it sucks balls. Leg day was the worst for me. I was walking like a penguin for like 2 days. And there's stairs at my work. STAIRS!!
But there are some awesome benefits of doing this. Increased testosterone gentlemen. Which will change your molecular structure from gentleman to MAAAAAN. You wanna know what the power of greyskull is? It's testosterone. GET SOME!!
Also, because you're hormones and endorphins are basically on overdrive - you'll be burning fat throughout the rest of the day.
I might make a more detailed post later, but for now GET SOME!!
AH - key note real quick. While you're doing these workouts and using weights, that's fine. I'd almost recommend it. But these are EXPLOSIVE AND CONTINUOUS workouts over a period of time. If the weights are too heavy you'll notice a significant drop in effectiveness. You wanna know what I use? Soup cans. I tried 10 lb weights once. Didn't feel as much of a burn and my technique was off. So weights aren't necessary, and you probably should avoid them to start. But for this type of workout, you're adding a little resistance gradually over time.