I've barely had any time to play these games, I'm on chapter 2 of VC and about 4 hours into RoF. I was also about 5 hours into Demons Souls but I lost my save so I haven't started a new one yet.
RoF is pretty good but I can't help but feel I'm still in the tutorial part of the game, I don't have many options for gun mods and my characters are only about level 7. The battle system is pretty good but it's similar to VC in that you can be attacked while you're moving around, it doesn't work quite as well though because you can also be attacked while you're aiming at something, essentially wasting that turn.
It's very easy at first but once you get to the first boss you have to start using some sort of positioning strategy otherwise you'll die within a couple of turns, you don't have much health when you can be bombed and set on fire in one attack.